Sayings of Muhammad PBUH, Aqwal e Zareen in Urdu, golden words in urdu islamic,

Golden sayings of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

Here are different quotes and sayings of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH, 

Excellence of filling the Mosque with people

The excellence of making the mosque vibrant through prayer and devotion.
The excellence of making the mosque vibrant through prayer and devotion

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Whoever goes to the mosque in the morning and evening, Allah will grant them Jannah (Paradise)."

The significance of repentance and seeking forgiveness.
The significance of repentance and seeking forgiveness

 Importance of Forgiveness

Hazrat Muhammad PBUH, said that by God, I pray to Allah for forgiveness 70 times in a day.
One of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)'s miracles was extracting water from his fingers.
One of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)'s miracles was extracting water from his fingers

Miracles of Rasool PBUH

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "I guarantee Paradise for those who control their tongue and private parts.".
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "I guarantee Paradise for those who control their tongue and private parts."

protection of tongue

Rasool PBUH said I want the guaranty of two things from you, that are between your jaws and between your legs, and I will give you the guaranty of Heaven.
The pursuit of lawful livelihood is your duty.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "The pursuit of lawful livelihood is your duty."

Importance of Lawful earning

Said Rasool PBUH, that the search of lawful earning is your duty.
The punishment for unjustly taking someone's property is severe in Islamic law.
"As narrated by Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid (R.A.), the Holy Prophet (PBUH) stated, 'He who unjustly seizes even a small piece of land will be burdened with a necklace of seven earths on the Day of Resurrection.'"condemnation of Anger

Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) about Friedship