Hazrat Muhammad PBUH Quote about Companionship | Sohbat Quotes in Urdu

Sohbat Quotes in Urdu | Companionship Quotes in English and Urdu

Companionship of pious persons is best than goodness, and companionship of bad persons is best than evil. It is best to keep close pious persons. Akhirat Quotes in Urdu

This quote imparts profound wisdom about the impact of the company we keep. It emphasizes the significance of surrounding oneself with righteous individuals who inspire and encourage good deeds. Conversely, it warns against associating with those who may lead one towards moral decline. Islam places great importance on the influence of social circles in shaping one's character and conduct, highlighting the responsibility to choose companions wisely.

The Influence of Company, Insights from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Companionship quotes  in English

Quotations about Companionship, Sohbat in Urdu

"Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, 'Keeping the company of righteous people is better for performing good deeds, while associating with the wicked can lead to a deterioration of character.'"

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