Hazrat Muhammad PBUH Quotes about Allah se Doori | Danger of Isolation, Materialism and Power

Islamic Quotes about the danger of Isolation, Materialism, and Power

He who lived in the jungle remained empty of knowledge and wisdom۔ The one who chased the victim he remains negligent. He who came to the door of the rich fell into temptation. Whoever does this will be far away from Allah. Allah ki Pehchan quotes in Urdu, Aqwal e zareen

This saying from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warns of the dangers of isolation, materialism, and power.

Isolation: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the person who dwells in the forest is devoid of knowledge and intellect. This is because isolation can lead to ignorance and a lack of critical thinking. When people are isolated from others, they are less likely to be exposed to new ideas and perspectives. They may also become more susceptible to extremist thinking.

Materialism: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the person who is always after hunting becomes heedless. This is because materialism can lead to greed and selfishness. When people are focused on acquiring material possessions, they may neglect their spiritual and moral development. They may also become more likely to engage in unethical behavior.

Power: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the person who comes to the door of the rulers is caught in temptation. This is because power can lead to corruption and abuse. When people are in positions of power, they may be tempted to use their power for personal gain. They may also become more likely to engage in unethical behavior.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught that Muslims should strive to live balanced and fulfilling lives. They should be connected to others, focus on spiritual development, and avoid the temptations of power.
Urdu Quotes about Allah se Doori

The dangers of isolation, materialism, and power

He who dwells in the forest is devoid of knowledge and intellect. He who is always after hunting becomes heedless. He who comes to the door of the rulers is caught in temptation. The closer he is to them, the further he is from Allah.
جو شخص جنگل میں رہتا ہے وہ علم و عقل سے خالی رہتا ہے۔ جو شخص ہمیشہ شکار کے پیچھے لگا رہتا ہے وہ غافل ہو جاتا ہے۔ جو شخص حکمرانوں کے دروازے پر آتا ہے وہ فتنہ میں پڑ جاتا ہے۔ جتنا وہ ان کے قریب ہوتا ہے، اتنا ہی وہ اللہ سے دور ہوتا ہے۔

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