Hazrat Muhammad PBUH Quotes about Nafs, khwahish

Khwahish Quotes in Urdu, Desire Quotes in English

Desire, ego, and lust are all inherent traits of mankind. They are the driving forces behind our actions, thoughts, and emotions. While these traits can be positive or negative, depending on how they are channeled, it is important to understand them in order to live a balanced and fulfilling life.


Desire is a natural and healthy human emotion. It is what motivates us to strive for better things in life. We desire to be loved, respected, and successful. We desire to learn and grow. We desire to make a difference in the world.

However, desire can also be destructive if it is not kept in check. When we become too attached to our desires, we can become obsessed and lose sight of what is truly important. We can become greedy and selfish, willing to do whatever it takes to get what we want.


The ego is our sense of self. It is what gives us our identity and allows us to function in the world. The ego is important for our survival and well-being. However, it can also be a source of suffering if it is not properly managed.

A healthy ego is one that is confident and secure. It is not threatened by the success or happiness of others. It is able to accept criticism and learn from mistakes.

An unhealthy ego, on the other hand, is one that is insecure and arrogant. It is constantly comparing itself to others and needing to be the best. It is easily offended and quick to anger.


Lust is a powerful physical and emotional desire for another person. It is a natural and healthy part of human sexuality. However, lust can also be destructive if it is not kept in check.

When we become obsessed with lust, we can lose sight of the other person's humanity. We can become selfish and manipulative, willing to use others to satisfy our own needs.

How to channel these traits in a positive way

Desire, ego, and lust can all be channeled in a positive way. Here are a few tips:

  • Desire: Use your desire to motivate you to achieve your goals and make a difference in the world. Channel your desire into something positive and productive.
  • Ego: Cultivate a healthy ego that is confident and secure. Learn to accept yourself for who you are, flaws and all. Be open to criticism and feedback.
  • Lust: Learn to express your lust in a healthy and respectful way. Value the other person's humanity and emotions. Avoid using others for your own satisfaction.
It is important to remember that desire, ego, and lust are all human emotions. They are neither good nor bad. It is up to us to channel them in a way that is beneficial to ourselves and others.

Quotes about Nafs and Khwahish in Urdu and English

Desire, Ego, and Lust, Inherent Traits of Mankind

"Desire, ego, and lust have been embedded in the nature of mankind. Letting go of desire empowers a person, while indulging in it leads to enslavement."
"خواہش، نفس اور شہوت اِبنِ آدم کی سرِشت میں رکھ دی گئی ہیں۔ خواہش کا چھوڑ دینا بندہ کو امیر کر دیتا ہے، اور اس کی پیروی کرنا امیر کو اسیر بنا دیتا ہے۔"

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