Quotes About Akhirah in urdu | aqwal e zareen sms

dunya and akhirah quotes

(آخرت کے اقوال)
Urdu and English Quotes of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique on images about Honor, He said you can get Honor in Afterlife by your good deeds.
Quotes of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A in urdu on images
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A Quotes


Quotes by Hazrat Usman Ghani, that without concept of "Akhirah" (Afterlife) any type of deeds will be virtue-less. aqwal e zareen in urdu
quotes of hazrat usman ghani in urdu

 Best sayings of hazrat usman Ghani (RA) in urdu | The World is a Temporary Palace

Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) said, "The world is Allah's palace, which is reserved for the travelers of the hereafter. Take your belongings and do not be greedy for what is in the palace."

حضرت عثمان غنی رضی اللہ عنہ نے فرمایا کہ، دنیا اللہ تعالیٰ کی سرائے ہے، جو آخرت کے مسافروں کے لیے وقف ہے، اپنا توشہ لو اور جو کچھ سرائے میں ہے اس کا لالچ نہ کر۔

Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) reminds us that the world is a temporary place. It is a place where we are only passing through, on our way to our eternal home in the hereafter.

sayings of hazrat usman in urdu

 aqwal e zareen sms

Beautiful sayings of hazrat usman Ghani R.A in urdu
Beautiful sayings of hazrat usman Ghani R.A
hazrat usman ghani quotes in urdu


The World and the Hereafter: Two Opposites

Indeed, the example of the world and the hereafter is like that of a man who has two wives, and when he pleases one, the other becomes angry.
یقیناً دنیا اور آخرت کی مثال ایسی ہے جیسے کسی کی دو بیویاں ہوں، اور جب وہ ایک کو راضی کرتا ہے تو دوسری روتی جاتی ہے۔
he world is a test and trial. We are here to learn and grow, and to prepare ourselves for the hereafter. 
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Hazrat Ali R.A quotes in urdu pictures

 Hazrat Ghous Pak R.A Quotes | The Cruelty of Oppression

A cruel person ruins the world of the oppressed, and ruins his own hereafter.
ظالم انسان مظلوم کی دنیا برباد کر دیتا ہے، اور اپنی آخرت برباد کر لیتا ہے۔

Oppression is a serious sin. It is a violation of the rights of others, and it is a betrayal of the trust that Allah (SWT) has placed in us.

The Quran and the Sunnah teach us to be just and fair in our dealings with others. We are commanded to treat everyone with respect, regardless of their race, religion, or social status.

Hazrat Ghous Pak R.A Quotes
Aqwal e Zareen of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani R.A

The Importance of Silence and Solitude in the Path of Allah (SWT)

If you wish to have the company of Allah (SWT) in this world and the hereafter, then you must learn to be calm, silent, and mute.
اگر تم دنیا اور آخرت میں اللہ تعالیٰ کی صحبت کے خواہشمند ہو تو پھر سکون، خاموشی اور گونگے رہنا لازم جانو۔

Best quotes of Hazrat Ghous Pak R.A

Prioritize the Hereafter over the World

Prioritize the hereafter over the world, and you will benefit in both. 
But if you prioritize the world over the hereafter, you will be harmed in both.
آخرت کو دنیا پر مقدم رکھو، دونوں میں فائدہ ہو گا۔ 
اور جب دنیا کو آخرت پر مقدم رکھو گے تو دونوں میں نقصان ہو گا۔

Aqwal e zareen Hazrat Ghous Pak Sarkar R.A in urdu
Aqwal e zareen Hazrat Ghous Pak Sarkar R.A on pictures

The World is Temporary, the Hereafter is Eternal

The world is made of clay and is perishable, but the hereafter is made of gold and will remain forever. Therefore, our desire should be for the hereafter, not for the world.
دنیا مٹی کی ہے اور فانی ہے، لیکن آخرت سونے کی ہے اور باقی ہے، لہذا رغبت آخرت کے ساتھ ہونی چاہیے نہ کہ دنیا کے ساتھ۔

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