Hazrat Usman Ghani's Self-Discipline, A Story of Humility and Devotion

 Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA), Humility and Devotion Quotes

Martyrdom (Shahadat ) Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) in Urdu, English

        You were the third Caliph of the Ummah. Once, while you were carrying a bundle of wood in your garden, even though you had many slaves, someone asked, "Why didn't you have one of your slaves carry this bundle?" You replied, "I could have had one of my slaves carry it, but I wanted to test my own self to see if it would accept and like it humbly or not. It is clear here that Hazrat Usman Ghani RA was practicing self-discipline so that he would not become complacent with wealth and possessions. You used to recite the seven long surahs in every standing position of prayer and stayed awake at night.

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