Maa Quotes in Urdu, Mother Day Quotes in Urdu, aqwal e zareen

Quotes of Mother in Urdu

mother day quotes in urdu
 If your mother feels fear from your anger then it is so pity on you, because you close the door of forgiveness.

maa quotes in urdu

mother quotes in urdu with images

 There is no curse on the lips of Mother, Only the Mother who never angers with hi children.
mother day quotes in urdu
 Do not hurt your Mother with your words, Because she learnt you how to speak.
maa quotes in urdu
 Thousands of securities can not protect you, but There is only the Prayers of your Mother protect you.
mother day quotes in urdu
 Face of My Mother looks like beads of bead-roll, and I look my Mother face with love, due to this Almighty Allah forgives me.

mothers day messages in urdu

maa quotes in urdu
In any sort of tensions, I go to my Mother and all my tensions go away.