Sheikh Saadi ki Hikayat, Best Aqwal e Zareen in Urdu, Anmol Moti Islamic

Sheikh Saadi k Aqwal, Poverty and Paradise, gareeb or behisht

Once, two men were sitting in a graveyard. one was sitting on his rich father's grave and second was sitting on his dervish father's grave. Rich son said to dervish's son with rebuking, that my father's box is made of precious stone, its gravestone is very colorful and carpet is of marble and bricks are made of turquoise stone, while your father's grave is very haggard with some clay and two bricks.
Dervish's son said your are right, but it is not in real, think when all dead bodies will be live and rise up in doomsday, my father suddenly will broke the grave and reach in paradise, while your father will try to break all the heavy stones. Quotes of Sheikh Saadi in urdu
hikayat e saadi in urdu 1


Precious Pearl, saadi ki hikayat urdu, qeemti moti

 Very little drop of rain dropped. When it saw the width of the sea, it feel shame and said that he has no respect upon sea. While he saw himself with scorn, suddenly a seashell opened its mouth and rain drop fell into the mouth of seashell, now seashell began to care the rain drop.
Few days later this rain drop turn into a precious pearl. Now it reach to the King and he attached this precious pearl on his crown.
urdu hikayat e sheikh saadi


hikayat e sheikh saadi in urdu

best urdu hikayat e sheikh saadi


Islamic Golden words in urdu

islamic golden words


sayings of Hazrat Sheikh Saadi


Pious and a Singer, Aik Parsa or Aik Gawaya

A groggy singer was going anywhere at night holding a lute in his armpit. In the he met a Pious person. In groggy state singer struck the lute on the head of Pious Person. Lute broke, and began to bleed in pious head.
islamic quotes by Hazrat Sheikh Saadi


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